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  • Polycrystalline Solar cell
  • Power Rating : 150W, 12V
SKU: 150W / 12VSP Category:

Luminous Solar panels are made from a block of silicon, consisting of a large number of crystals. They are highly efficient Solar panels for solar power generation which come at best price with IEC certification and 25 years performance warranty.


  • Advanced EVA encapsulation to give better protection to modules
  • Best in Class conversion efficiency
  • Anti reflective coating for more light absorption
  • Optically, mechanically and electrically tested
  • High strength Aluminium frame design to offer high torsion resistance
  • Compliance to IEC standards”
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DS Power Pro - Best Inverter Battery Shop in Chennai https://dspowerpro.com/product/150w-12v-solar-panel LUMINOUS 165W / 12V SOLAR PANEL LUMINOUS 165W / 12V SOLAR PANEL 150W / 12VSP ₹8,850.00 ₹6,000.00 -32%